stagnation pressure

美 [stæɡ'neɪʃ(ə)n ˈpreʃər]英 [stæɡ'neɪʃ(ə)n ˈpreʃə(r)]
  • 网络滞止压力;停滞压力;驻点压力
stagnation pressurestagnation pressure
  1. Under different environmental parameters of the gas will certainly be reflected in the inherent and aerodynamic parameters , such as the stagnation pressure , temperature , gas flow .


  2. Experimental study on stagnation pressure of pulse jet


  3. An investigation on stagnation pressure errors due to rotation state behind a rotor


  4. A stagnation pressure and stagnation temperature were set at the pipe inlet .


  5. The effect of small radial stagnation pressure distortion of inlet flow on the stall flutter has been investigated experimentally .


  6. Under equal hydrogen mass rate , the injection under high stagnation pressure makes self-ignition easier and achieves higher combustion efficiency than injection under low stagnation pressure .


  7. The vane can increase the length of supersonic region , the stability of cavity pressure , and reduce the loss of stagnation pressure thus to increase the pressure recover coefficient .


  8. When the mass rate of the fuel is increased , diffusion and mixing can be enhanced more by increasing the injection stagnation pressure of the fuel than by increasing the diameter of the injection port .


  9. This paper represents a progress report of some experimental investigations carried out on the axial-flow low pressure compressor of the B1 engine with inlet flow distortions . The effect of small radial stagnation pressure distortion of inlet flow on the stall flutter has been investigated experimentally .


  10. The principle of free jet density flowfield measurement using an acetone planar laser-induced fluorescence ( PLIF ) technique was introduced , and then the density flowfield structure of under-expanded free jet adulterated with acetone vapor was visualized by the PLIF technique under the two injection stagnation pressure conditions .


  11. The results show that for the symmetric impact , the stagnation point pressure of incompressible fluid is smaller than that of the compressible .


  12. The nozzle throat diameter was 35 mm , and the inlet stagnation temperature and pressure were 800 K and 274 4 kPa , respectively .


  13. This is especially so in situations such as the present one , when the prospect of a sluggish recovery or protracted stagnation exerts great pressure on governments to revive economic growth .


  14. The experimental results show that autoignition was sensitive to a number of parameters : air stagnation temperature and pressure , and wall configuration of the combustor , The temperature and wall configuration has significant effect on the autoignition .
